Final Project
Dr. Debjani Roy
Bal Sashaktikaran- Sex Education Project
This project aims to enlighten children about sex in a manner that promotes awareness and empowerment, while also instilling a sense of age-appropriate rights and responsibilities. This initiative is dedicated to delivering pertinent sexual education to children aged 5-10 in a manner that is both enjoyable and interactive, tailored to the cultural nuances of India. With a particular emphasis on rural areas, where the need is often most acute majorly because of the unawareness, underreporting as well as the reluctance to discuss, the project strives to reach those communities most in need of support.
The research process involved a thorough review of current case studies, research articles, books, and newspapers highlighting these issues in the country. Additionally, various children's books on topics such as consent, appropriate touches, and body image were analyzed. The research then employed ethnographic techniques, including one-on-one interviews, group interviews, and probing activities with children and key stakeholders like police officers, doctors, ASHA workers, teachers, and parents.