Text as Art
Functionality In Homes
The production of multiple floor plans was an initial understanding of logistics inside a house. These were then complimented with text that would further help assist the notion of social hierarchy in most domestic settings.
The extensive drawings of floor plans really gave me insight into the complexities of family dynamics since everything was drawn from my understanding. For my final project proposal, I intended to approach the given prompt with a light-hearted and humorous perspective to assess dysfunctionality within families. With my research, first, I hoped to gain insight into the key indicators that contribute to dysfunctional dynamics. With the earlier idea of floor plans, recognizing my limitations in architectural drawing, I wanted this project to be more stylized. I wanted the viewers to reflect on their familial dynamics in a playful manner. For the final work, cyanotyping enabled me to design a series of floor layouts that acted as visual representations of dysfunctionality within familial relationships. As the project developed, I became involved in the technical elements of cyanotype printing, which proved to be both labor-intensive and time-consuming. Soon, my first attempts to cyanotype led me to pursue it thoroughly in the course. This unanticipated turn of events left me with opportunity to dive fully into my project's intellectual foundations.