Information Arts and Information Design Practices
My line of inquiry encompasses the pieces that aim to bring about a change in beliefs or ideologies present either within myself or in a targeted area of society. My aim was not to change systems in society, but to see whether and how a piece of information can be crafted in a way to create a deeper psychological impact. A few examples could be the work “A part of me that flies” which is a photo essay that talks about the human-animal relationship between a homer pigeon and its owner, or a series of twenty monochromatic paintings reflecting the complex narrative around the normal colour “Prussian blue” and finally my final project which is focused on building a powerful toolkit to initiate deeper conversations about exploring multiple career options amongst people in between the age bracket of 21 to 23 years. The most crucial aspect that all these projects aimed to invoke was reflection, as deep down I believe that a shift in one’s belief can only be induced from within. The external factors can only be a trigger to this response, but the actual shift is an internal process and hence it is a mandate that I try to create a reflective exercise in all of my work.
My line of inquiry encompasses the pieces I started to bring about a change in beliefs or ideologies present either within myself or a targeted area of the society. My aim was not to change systems in society, but to see whether and how a piece of information can be crafted in a way that creates a deeper psychological impact, that can have an influence on their thought process on a certain belief of theirs.